Monday, November 28, 2011

Technical Writing Basics

Technical Writing is a specialized type of writing covering a technical product or process that involves conversion of technical terms or jargons to structured forms and formats, as the writer intended to project the product or process and would want the end-user to act when confronted with technology.

Aim of Technical Writing
The foremost aim of technical writing is to persuade the users of technology to change the way they were doing things and convince the readers of technical documentation to change their using behavior, so they know how to  use technology optimally.

Objective of Technical Writing
The objective of technical writing is to change the technical terms to simple terms by stressing more on the technology involved rather than the technicalities of a product or process.

Names a Technical Writer takes

Technical writers are known in industry circles by different names. Some call them technical communicators, others call them software documentation experts or information developers, but for our purposes, we can simply call them technical writers.

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